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Thursday, October 7, 2021

10 Year Crafting Anniversary!

So a few months ago, I realized I was coming up on my 10 year blogger anniversary. That's a long time! Of course, I've been doing some sort of crafts for much longer than that, but 10 years ago, I decided to start keeping track of my creations. 

And some of those early cards are *cringeworthy* But it shows me just how far I've come and I'm grateful for that.

The other day was World Card-Making Day and I posted a picture of my desk on IG. As always, it's cluttered and messy, but I feel no matter how much room I have, I'll always have that problem.

That's not to say that I don't dream of having a big craft room one day, but for now, this is just fine. This weekend, I'm going to a craft store on Long Island so I'm going to do a post about it. I know it's been a long time since I've blogged about any craft excursions and I'm treating myself to celebrate 10 years.  Happy Craftiversary (is that a thing?) to me!

Stay tuned!

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